I'm loving the mottled colour of the outer petals of my Japanese tree peony (Paeonia Lactiflora) this year. There are 13 blossoms set to come out, last year it only had 11 - I must be doing something right?
With more digging (hee hee) on the internet I found that Japanese tree peonies need little "coddling" and actually prefer to be "left alone."

According to www.canadiangardening.com
"...both Chinese and Japanese tree peonies...can live for more than 100 years." Also, "tree peonies can grow in virtually any type of soil - as long as it's not waterlogged."
Interestingly, mine is doing fantastic - I guess all that "leaving alone" is working out. :)
A little history on the Asiatic tree peony:
Did you know...
-the tree peony is the second most enduring National symbol of China (coming in second fiddle to the Cherry Blossom - of course ;) (wikipedia)
-that the peony was named after Paeon, a physician to the gods, who obtained the plant on Mount Olympus from the mother of Apolla. Once planted the peony likes to be left alone and punishes whose who try to move it, by not flowering again for several years (wikipedia)
-Japanese tree peonies were brought there from China in the 8th century. (plant-care.com)
Well, there's your lesson! Hope you enjoy a look at what's growing in my garden today.
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